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FM200 / DriveTest / Pinch Sunroof & Window Force Tester



FM 200 is an electronic system to measure and evaluate the closing force of car system like sunroofs, windows, doors and gates etc. User is the automotive industry. The components of the system are: Sensor FM 200 - Sensor Electronic-Box SEB2 - PC-Software PinchPilot. The FM 200 series sensors are avaiable with different deflection rates (10 to 100 N/mm). For force initiation, different initiation parts can be used. Gap widths down to 4 mm are possible. For the measuring process, the sensor and the battery driven electronic box SEB 2 are needed. The electronic box is able to save up to 100 measurements. For evaluation and saving purposes the measured data has to be uploaded into a PC. The PC software PinchPilot is the useful tool for further data processing evaluation, creating a report.


DriveTest FM200 Pinch Sunroof & Window Tester Brochure

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