si instruments

Address: 256 South Road, Hilton SA 5033, Australia
Phone: (08) 8352 5511

With up to 300,000 flashes per minute, the Rheintacho RT STROBE pocket LED, available in Australia and New Zealand through SI Instruments, provides light emission of 1500 Lux @ 6000 FPM @ 20cm.The quartz accuracy of the control function ensures absolute flash precision. The objectives of "maximum light yield" and "homogenous surface illumination" are ideally implemented in the development of the optical assembly. Cutting-edge, ultra-high performance LEDs and intelligent control electronics play a key role in achieving this.

Suited for both R&D - for testing and controlling the behaviour of materials, adhesives, composite materials etc. at high speeds  and General Machinery for setting up, monitoring and quality assurance as well as diagnosis of systems in operation.

Adjustable settings of the Rheintacho RT STROBE pocket LED include the duration of the flash, both absolute and relative (Shorter flash duration = sharper image; longer flash duration = stronger illumination), flash frequency and duration independently of each other and delay period and phase shift between the internal trigger signal and the flash.

The ergonomically and functionally optimized housing with integrated protective holster fulfils the requirements of protection class IP65. This means the RT STROBE pocket LED is extremely well protected against dust and water jets.

More Information on the Rheintacho RT STROBE pocket LED